Ads, Art Direction, Illustration, Management
Monster, a global provider of job seeking, career management and more.
The demand for skilled tech workers in the UK has never been higher, with 745,000 additional digital skilled workers needed within the next two years, and 1 million by 2020. All of this means that now is a great time to get into coding, whatever your age and experience.
For this project Monster partnered with Steer, the web development course experts, to offer its users an opportunity to get started in coding with an ‘Introduction to Code’ day.
A range of creative concepts were developed to help promote the competition. The selected retro gaming concept was then produced to work in an array of online advertising formats from Flash & backup GIFs to HTML emails, targeting different audiences across Google’s Display Network (GDN) and and Social Media sites such as Facebook & Twitter.
Under contract of Nutbot, I produced the entire project myself covering the following tasks: